Category: Camino de Santiago 2015


On the plane ride here, Sammy and I watched a movie called Interstellar, which explores many topics related to space and time travel, the destruction and creation of civilizations, relativity, simultaneous realities, and much more. In any case, as we flew through the sky and the clock ticked 9 hours ahead, we were thinking of our relationship with time and… Read more →


  We rose at 5 am on our second day of walking. We had slept well, and woke without trouble, after having walked 13.2 miles our first day. On day two, we would walk 17.7 miles – far more than either of us have walked in one day ever. It doesn’t really hit you, what this is, this walking, this journey.… Read more →


 It has been amazing rising with or before the sun. Mostly, it has been out of necessity–after 11am it is unbearably hot, and with about 15 miles per day of walking, starting at 5am is the best way to go. The sun also sets at 10:30pm, so there’s a window between 8-10 to walk, but most of the albergues close… Read more →