Author: Sofia


 It has been amazing rising with or before the sun. Mostly, it has been out of necessity–after 11am it is unbearably hot, and with about 15 miles per day of walking, starting at 5am is the best way to go. The sun also sets at 10:30pm, so there’s a window between 8-10 to walk, but most of the albergues close… Read more →

Firenze ::: Florence

We met up with our dear friend Vanina, who is from Naples, in Florence. She brought along her amazing friend she met while studying in Paris, Viviane, who is Brazilian. Together we made quite a quartet, moving between languages like water: speaking Italian, Spanish, French and English (Portuguese only came in for a quick cameo). We had some serious adventures… Read more →

Dinner at the Mountain Farmhouse

Sammy’s cousin invited us to join her friends in the mountains for a homemade summer dinner. We had a traditional  Appenino Modenese meal for summer: fresh vegetables from the garden, dipped in salted olive oil and the region’s famous balsamico; locally produced prosciutto crudo, cheeses, and one of my favorite simple specialties – tigelle, a round delicious kind of bread… Read more →

New Moon in Cancer

It isn’t about planting new seeds—but more about them finally taking root.  “This has been a big year for all of us—it’s been about sudden change and the discovery of our authentic selves. It’s been a time of getting to the root of whom we are and what we want our lives to look like without the outside influence of… Read more →

Day Two: Piazza Grande 

The duomo di Modena was consecrated in 1184. I was born 800 years later, in 1984. The cathedral was completed a hundred and fifty years after that, in 1309 (can you imagine if they took that long to build something in LA, Sammy asks). Sammy and I fell deep into love 700 years after completion, in 2009. Magic. Time travel.… Read more →

Day One: Arrival

Traveling through the time/space continuum with my love. We are in Modena, Italy – a small city with no tourists, where Sammy’s family lives, where Sammy came every summer as a kid. Perhaps we are living multiple lives in multiple dimensions at once? #interstellar #timespace #travel #ancestors #honeymoon #jetlag #lyonrose2015 Read more →